Sportowcy z Człuchowa uczestniczą w ultra triathlonie, a sztafeta wojskowo-strażacka celuje w dobry wynik na dystansie potrójnego Iron Mana!

Tower Triathlon in Bolesławiec nad Prosną is one of the most exciting sports events in the country. It is organized for the second time.

The first edition took place in 2023. In last year’s edition, an individual competitor from Człuchów, Maciej Kosiński, participated.

He completed the 7 kilometers and 600 meters swimming, 360 kilometers cycling, and double marathon of 84 kilometers and 400 meters in 31 hours and 49 minutes. He achieved 30th place in the M 30 category and 27th place overall.

This means that each team member will face one discipline, working towards a collective result. They serve in the army and fire brigade on a daily basis – in the 34th Chojnice Radiotechnical Battalion, the Chojnice State Fire Service, and the 1st Lębork Mechanized Battalion.

All the participants are native to Człuchów. For the competitors, participating in such events is a significant undertaking.

Each stage requires a great effort. Working for hours at high intensity while aiming for the best result poses a great challenge.

Besides being in top form due to hundreds of training sessions, other factors such as health, daily condition, and the body’s adaptation to such exertion are also crucial. The limit for the entire Triple Iron Man distance is 60 hours, so the uniformed personnel from Człuchów will need to finish by 9:00 pm on September 1.

Through this activity, our ultra-athletes will honor the memory of the heroes of the struggle for the independence of the Republic of Poland. Join us and follow “Dziennik Bałtycki” every day.

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